Althea was designed by renowned designer and captain Fredrick “Ted” E. Hood and was built in Bresken, Netherlands by Frans Maas in 1963. She was owned and raced by Mr. Hood in the Newport to Bermuda, Marblehead to Halifax, and the SORC races in the early 60’s. In the Late 60’s early 70’s she was sold to a new home on the Great Lakes where she competed in the Mackinac races on Lake Huron. Since that time she has been retired to private ownership to the east coast of New York and New England until her delivery to Traverse City, Min 2021. She is a beautiful yacht well suited for a relaxed or lively sailing excursion on Grand Traverse Bay.
Althea formerly “ Robin” under the skillful watch of Ted Hood

Classic Yacht ALTHEA
LOA: 46’ 0”
LWL: 33’6”
BEAM: 12’ 10”
DISPLACEMENT: 33,000 lbs
DRAFT: 5’10”, 11’ Center Board down

“Well, what are you waiting for” -Ted Hood
Ted Hood at the helm of Althea suggesting the crew get to the windward rail during the 1964 SORC Race